Local Search

Local Google Maps Ranking

Local Search

Now, more than ever, it's important for your local business to be found when potential customers are seaching for local services, and the way to do that is to rank well in Google maps.

Google My Business

A Google My Business (GMB) has become an essential item for all local businesses to capture leads from customers who are searching for businesses in Google maps, or in fact if customers are doing general local searches as the top 3 ranking sites in Google Maps appears on the left-hand side of Google Maps and command the most web traffic. Google ONLY lists GMB sites within Google maps, so that's why it's absolutely essential to at least have a GMB listing.

GMB Optimisation

But just having a GMB is not enough, as it also needs to be filled out completely and correctly to be able to show up for the right search terms. With our GMB Optimisation service, we are able to do this for you to get your GMB site in the best possible starting place for you to get going.

GMB Maps Ranking

Once your GMB is setup and optimised, it is vitally important to have work continually done to ensure that the site still ranks well in Google. This is our speciality and we provide an ongoing service to keep your GMB ranking high in the maps so that you continue to appear as one of the top search results.

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